Present: Roy Hindles, Carole Carter, Mike Pepperell, Des Fearn, John Newstead, Graham Fabb.
On Teams: Sarah and Ivan Smith.
Apologies: Syd Arksey
Actions brought forward from 20th Jan. 2022
- Sarah to meet Mike re hand over. Mike to set dates of meetings for the year- Hand overCompleted. Dates C/F to agenda
- Ivan to email Danny re plastering of lintel over front door, and quote for new side door. Defibrillator to be re-erected.-ACTIONIS to chase up again
- Sarah to send Roy Norman Lamb’saddress. £100 cheque to be sent to Norman Lamb. SS resent address and ACTION RH to check with Syd to see if money has been sent
- Bar staff need to send invoice to Syd after each event. Completed
- (Syd to action?) Cordials to be ordered for the Bar. Completed
- Roy to organise Suggestion Box for the Bar. C/F
- Syd to apply for NNDC Omicron Support Grant Re: front kitchen- C/F
- Mike to investigate SIM Card for wifi.- Best price for unlimited data £17.50 per month from Tesco. Committee agreed to put on hold until it is felt that it would pay for itself in bookings or room hire. Completed
- Syd to investigate new 3 year electricity contract. C/F
- Roy to organise working party to clear unwanted items and clean area- Ongoing
- Syd to contact plumber C/F
- Roy to contact electrician re: front light and fire exit route.
Front light Completed,
Side lights C/F.
Flood light Completed.
Fire exit?
- John to contact electrician re: side lights and cctv- ACTION MP, JN and RH to meet and look into recommissioning. C/F
- All– Building keys to be brought to next meeting. ACTION New key safe to be ordered by MP and put outside. Old key safe to be put in kitchen with key for Key locker. Full set of interior keys to be put in key locker. ACTION DF will put tables out for Bird cage group C/F
- Roy to investigate issue of cistern in gents. Completed
- John to investigate precepts for other parishes- Completed
Agree previous minutes and sign off- Agreed
Outstanding building work- Issue with tiles on threshold to main hall. ACTIONRH to look into strip to cover
Maintenance update- Ongoing
Website – Facebook group working well, as not as much hassle as editing web page. ACTION ALLPlease join Facebook group and share.
Recent events report- Dances building up well and making good profits. Adding bottled water to bar supplies
Upcoming bookings- 2 bookings: April and August. DF has new invoicing method which he finds easier to implement.
- Advance notice of price rise? (Brought forward) Groups informed.
- Future social evenings dates and publicity- Advertised on Facebook and website. ACTION DF and RH to update notice board
Church asked to use carpark for investiture of new Reverend. Agreed. DF suggested asking for donation in future.
Issue with Water board explained in Treasurers report.
Treasurer’s report- This was sent out previously to members, by email and all agreed it was a very comprehensive document. Thanks Syd.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations (2nd to 5th June 2022)- (BBQ and dog show on June 3rd? – (Brought forward) There is a dance on Friday 3rd. Agreed we run an afternoon event on Sunday 5th.June ACTION New subcommittee will sit ASAP to set out a plan and communicate with wider group. Includes MP, SS, GF and CC
Ideas for launch of village participation –
Community fruit trees at top end of field- We need to check if this is allowed. ACTION ?
Jogging track- ACTION GF will set it out as a trial to see if there is any up take
Yard sale- Suggested date in August. Teas/ coffees in v/h with maps of official sales.
Leaflet- ACTION MP to make a leaflet to advertise these activities, along with Jubilee event. Also, to link with Facebook group for more details. ACTION GF kindly offered to print off leaflets from work. ACTION DF to organise distribution and MP to manage out of village centre delivery.
Suggested dates for this year’s meetings- (Brought forward) MP asked for regularity of meetings. Agreed future meetings will normally be 6 weekly, but we will need one earlier due to Jubilee. ACTION MP to distribute dates for the year
Future deadline for AOBitems-ACTION ALL MP asked for agenda items to be forwarded to him asap, so we do not get large items in AOB, when people are packing up to leave.
RH raised issue over cleaning up after events. ACTION CC kindly agreed to carry on doing cleaning. All agreed that she should charge for bigger events. ACTION MP offered to help with gents. toilets after dances.
GF confirmed he would make a start on jogging track.
ACTION DF will put recruitment for more committee members on F/B group, esp. for a permanent secretary.
Date of next meeting 12th May 7:30pm. 2022