MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 19th August 2021 in the Village Hall
1.PRESENT: Roy, Carol, Roger, Syd, Des, John, Ivan, and Sarah
2.Apologies:John, Helen, Ivan
3.Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Minutes of the meeting held on the 19th of Julywith the following amendments were agreed.
I Ivan and John were not at the meeting and apologies were received.
IiGraham Fappshould read Fabb
Proposed by Sydand seconded by Sarah
4.Matters Arising
a.Bank set up with Barclays awaits issue of banker’s card etc for Syd and Roy
- Pat Testing of Fans Roy to discuss with hall extension electrician. Quote received at £3 per item for 20 items to be carried out in the future
- Outstanding work list See attached notes
- Correspondence
A request received from the Parish Council to update the web site to include a link between the 2 sites. Partially complete but needs further work. It was suggested that web site co-ordinator be appointed. This was agreed and an advert be placed in the village shop along with an advert for additional committee members.
Post meeting note: Elliot Des’s son has agreed to update the web site in the future. Roger to attend a short course with Wayne the web site designer.
- Treasurers Report:
The treasurer’s report was circulated prior to the meeting which was accepted and agreed.Showing a surplus of approx.£22K
Of the additional expenditure it was agreed to go ahead with the fence around the oil tank and boiler.
Estimates received for, side door emergencydoor and internal doors hall/bar. At a cost of £828 and £1345 respectively. These costs were agreed builder to be informed.
It was agreed to grant the bowling club £1000 to cover maintenance costs of the greensand upkeep of machinery. This is subject to a suitable banking procedure being set up which is still awaited
7.Hall Booking
It was agreed that the hall should be marketed for events after the 1 September 2021.
Bookings were being taken for Zumba Classes on Tuesday Evenings. A Bird Cage club meeting monthly and a Martial Arts club. The hall also had been booked for aChristening
Opening date/event to be decided.
It was suggested we had a dog show and a jazz band and Norman Lamb to open the refurbished hall. It was confirmed by Sarah that Norman Lamb would be available on the 9th of October. Awaits hall completion date from the builder and various completion certificates
The rear wall had been rendered and painted with barge boards replaced.
The front of the village Hallrendering, and barge board replacement agreed but awaits builder to carry out work.
Side door and emergency exit awaits builder.
Internal Double doors awaitsbuilder
Fencing around boiler and tank agreed at a cost of £770. It was agreed that the erection would be done by ourselves.
- Village Hall Extension
The building work has been completed by the builder. Snagging list submitted and completed.
The outstanding work list was discussed and shown attached
- Constitution update.
The constitution remains under review. Trust deed to be explained that it was formally known as lease of 1953. Further amendments required and awaited.
- Any Other Business
The surplus tabletops would be investigate to see if table legs could be obtained at a economic cost. Syd to arrange.