Present: Roy Hindle, Syd Arksey, Carole Carter, Sarah and Ivan Smith, John Newstead, Mike Pepperell, Des and Elliot Fern, Neil Thrush, Graham Fabb.
Apologies: none
Matters Arising from the Minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 21st October 2021
List of outstanding work:
Item 4: Changing Rooms. Removal of existing fillings, redecoration. To be let as pop-up shops or small meeting rooms.
Action: Defer until after re-opening of Hall. Project for 2022.
Item 5A: Storeroom. Room decorated. Racking installed.
Item 5B: Bar. Optics fitted and rack modified. Claire and Emma coming to set up Bar Wednesday 24th Nov.
Action: Till to be installed and till training given. Glass washer to be purchased and installed. Round tables and armchairs to be moved into Bar area.
Query: Do we need Bar to be available at Re-opening Event? Drinks will be provided free. Time before event now limited.
Item 6: Cleaning Cupboard. To be created in side room.
Action: awaiting attention by plumber. Roy and John to chase after re-opening. Project for 2022.
Item 7: Front Kitchen refurbishment. On hold until next year. Project for 2022
Action: Deep clean and sorting of crockery. Carole and Sarah to action on Monday 22nd Nov
Item 10: Clean and polish floors. Clean furniture (done)
Action: Sarah to contact Kevin Jarrad. Also ask about front entrance carpet.
Item 11: V.Hall Sign (over doorway) Reposition security camera.
Action: Roy and John to reposition cable so that sign can be affixed over doorway.
Item 14: Building work outstanding: re-rendering of lintel area over front doorway. Re-setting of patio doors at rear.
Action: Ivan to email Danny at DTC NB Also refitting of Defibrillator URGENT*
Allied Westminster: new policy and premium awaited
North Norfolk District Council: Final inspection complete for certification. NB Patio doors should be kept unlocked when Bar is in use, as this is a Fire Exit.
Treasurer’s Report: see AGM for full details.
Financial Report 18th November: Balance after meeting costs: £19276.73 ( less Glass washer £1020)
Website: Des and Elliot Fern have revamped opening page. Minutes of VHall meetings have been categorised by date. Facilities have been listed. Still working on Calendar. Site now linked to Facebook.
Action: details of Martial Arts class to be added. New photos added as available. Roy to send list of dances (see below)
C&W dances: booked through next year. Roy to send full list to Des for inclusion on Website.
Charging: Des suggested £9.00 per hour or £14.00 if Bar wanted (to cover staff costs) for new customers. Existing hirers to be kept at current rate until April 2022. To be discussed at next meeting.
Re-Opening Event Saturday 4th December
Sarah reported back from Sub-committee meeting on 15th Nov.:
Invitations: flyers delivered to 150 homes in the village. Mike to put up poster in V Hall outside notice board.
Roy has emailed sponsors. Parish Council, Trustees, NNDC, Giles ,Danny, & Saul have received invites.
Catering: Food ordered from “Dig In”, Aylsham, catering for 70 at £5.00 per head. Sarah and Mike to collect at 1.30.
Syd and John have been to Bookers for wine, soft drinks, crisps, biscuits, paper plates, cups and napkins.
Mike offered to serve teas and coffees if required. Drinks put out on arrival, then food trays sent out to tables after the ceremony and speeches.
NB Wine glasses to be washed. Carol and Hazel will set out drinks.
Press: Sarah to write press release for EDP,Town&Country, Crablines, for after the event. DES will take photos at the event and send to Sarah.
Music: Richard Fletcher (keyboards player from Sheringham) booked to provide light background music.
Plaque: John has sourced brass plaque to be used at ceremony then replaced when stone plaque available
Sponsors sign now on wall by hall entrance.
Plinth, stand, posts for ribbon supplied by Des and John. Carol to provide cloth for drape, Sarah to supply ribbon & scissors
Outside Front of Hall: Chiller and tank to be removed. Tubs of flowers to be repositioned. Defibrillator re-erected.*
Re-hang V Hall banner on fence. Borrow bunting from Banningham if possible (Roy to ask)
Display Board: Roy to ask Heather if we can borrow a display board to put up old photos of V Hall and current re-building project (Danny to send)
Car Parking: Area of left-hand side of V.Hall to be reserved for VIPs. Elliot to supervise.
NB Run-through meeting to be held on Thursday 25th November at 4.00 pm for as many members as can attend.
Bar and Kitchen Projects: see above.
Constitution update: Now linked to the Trust Deed. Neil reported that Trustees now happy all is in order.
AOB: WiFi password needs to be put on noticeboard inside front entrance to Hall. WiFi system needs to be separated
from the security system. Password to be changed monthly.
NB Sarah has agreed to take Minutes and circulate them with the Agenda for the next meeting. This is strictly on the understanding that after January’s meeting, the post of Secretary is taken over by someone else.